Oh, hey. I’m Cass.

Award-winning Sound Engineer

Documentaries, feature films, radio, TV, studio albums…sound is at my core.

Project Management

From software development to design projects, IT and more, I can get you from point A to point Z.

Audio Network Designer

Designing and programming audio-over-IP systems for hotels, conference centers, banks, and fairgrounds throughout New England.


Promotional films, documentaries, feature films, music videos, TV spots, and live webcasting. I’ve done it all.

Data organization & management 

Data systems and work flows for organizations of any size. Optimize your network storage, automatic backups, and use the best practices to manage all of your data.

Surveys & Assessments

Not sure what your clients or community need? As part of my data management strategies, I can help you all the way from creating and managing surveys, to making the final presentations, charts, and proposals.

Web design

From WordPress, to customized apps, to databases and Full/LAMP stack development, I’ve got your web needs covered.

FileMaker Development

I’ve been developing with FileMaker since 2003. Three major universities are using my FileMaker calendaring, inventory, and event management systems; researchers also use my databases to track and predict the social structures of avian societies in Africa.

Oh, hey. I’m Cass.

Award-winning Sound Engineer

Documentaries, feature films, radio, TV, studio albums…sound is at my core.

Project Management

From software development to design projects, IT and more, I can get you from point A to point Z.

Audio Network Designer

Designing and programming audio-over-IP systems for hotels, conference centers, banks, and fairgrounds throughout New England.

Data organization & management 

Data systems and work flows for organizations of any size. Optimize your network storage, automatic backups, and use the best practices to manage all of your data.

Web design

From WordPress, to customized apps, to databases and Full/LAMP stack development, I’ve got your web needs covered.


Promotional films, documentaries, feature films, music videos, TV spots, and live webcasting. I’ve done it all.

Surveys & Assessments

Not sure what your clients or community need? As part of my data management strategies, I can help you all the way from creating and managing surveys, to making the final presentations, charts, and proposals.

FileMaker Development

I’ve been developing with FileMaker since 2003. Three major universities are using my FileMaker calendaring, inventory, and event management systems; researchers also use my databases to track and predict the social structures of avian societies in Africa.